Journal of Alabama Archaeology

Instructions for Authors

Updated 10.08.2012; revised 01/22/2020

1) Submission of manuscripts

· Manuscripts should be emailed to the editor as a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced, with figures, tables, and captions within the same document. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, figures and tables will be submitted later as separate files.

· All submissions should include the following sections in addition to the text:

o Acknowledgments;

o References Cited;

o Preferred contact information and affiliation of the author(s), to be provided to readers.

· Manuscripts that contain copyrighted images must include permission to publish from the copyright owner/holder. This is the responsibility of the author, and all costs for obtaining permission will be borne by the author, not the AAS.

· Authors should ensure that they have obtained written permission from land owner to publish information regarding their associated property or archaeological sites, as per the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Laws and Ethics

· Indicate if you would like the manuscript to be peer-reviewed.

2) Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the editor, with advice and suggestions from the assistant editors and peer reviewers.

· Topics do not necessarily have to be based in Alabama but should have relevance or application to broader Southeastern archaeology.

3) After the manuscript is accepted for publication:

· The editor will request an electronic copy to be sent as a Microsoft Word document. The document should be double-spaced. It should not include figures, tables, or captions within the text.

** Manuscripts should be submitted to

· Formatting:

o Please do not bother with fancy formatting, headings, spacing, or tabs—the simpler, the better. Please do not use tabs in your References Cited.

· Figures and Tables:

o Figures, tables, and captions should be submitted as separate files, either via email, mailed on a CD, or through a file sharing service.

o Figures will be accepted as high-quality photographs or scanned images as .JPG or .TIF files at no less than 600 dpi resolution. Images with less than 600 dpi resolution do not print well with the software used to produce the journal.

§ Do not compress or reduce photographs before sending.

§ Please do not integrate captions into or onto an image.

§ All diagrams (site maps, profile drawings, artifact illustrations, etc.) should be submitted as high-quality scans saved as .JPG, .TIF, or .PDF files.

§ If your email program cannot handle large files, please contact the editor for other transmission options.

o Tables can be sent as Word or Excel files.

· Style:

o Style should conform to that detailed in the Society for American Archaeology Journal Style Guide, found at:

o Please double-check that your manuscript and References Cited adhere to the SAA format. This will greatly increase the speed at which your work is edited and published.

o If peer review was requested, the manuscript will be sent to two reviewers.

4) Timeline for publication.

· Decisions on acceptance usually are made within a few weeks. Peer reviewers generally are asked to return their comments within four weeks.

· If your article is accepted, the editor will be happy to provide estimates for the final publication date but asks for your patience, as the editor, assistant editors, and designer are volunteers.

· We do our best to read manuscripts in a timely manner and assemble them into a quality journal.

· Note that some articles may require review by Native American Tribes or Interested Parties.